The saying that says, "people are in essence so argumentative," is as true as there is day and night with the sun rising in the east and settling in the west. President Obama's ratings are down, and this is a man, rolled up sleeves and a zealous agenda implementer, who has done more for our country and has battled the fiercest of times in history, yet we still hold him hostage to our natural inclination to find him below our standards of what we think a good president should do. I can bet Obama is thinking, "what about a thank you for creating a stimulus package that saved us from kissing dirt, passing a health care reform bill that is a historical monument in legislative history in order to save the millions of human lives (poor and middle class) dying every day because of lack of health care-health care that the republicans fear will spoil the millions of dollars they receive from pharmaceutical and biotechnological lobbyists, and enforcing one of the strictest monetary policies in history to hold these green pigs accountable changing this "turning the cheek mentality" that has engulfed and diseased and impoverished this, once upon a time, great nation. What about this people, on the count of three, all at once, "thank you President Obama."
Talk about never being able to satisfy everybody because it is plainly, apparently, and blindly true that there is always, i mean always, a group or organization that will not like what you have to say or the agenda you are trying to provide no matter how beneficial it may be. This brings me to my next point, which separates the men from the boys. Boys are puppets, who follow their leader because he has a mustache and a fifty acre homestead in the county, that no matter what their agenda or plan is, who will indefinitely fold to peer pressure and have their ears and mouths wide open so long as they are fed with big fat payoffs and lucrative stock options. A great quote from Mother Teresa, “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be Kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be Honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The Good you do today, May be forgotten Tomorrow. Do Good Anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.” Wisdom in concise words, that speaks volumes and volumes. This is my tribute to Obama, a Man of high principles and moral character who remembers the reasons why he wanted and motive to becoming President to begin with. To change the world for the better only! Not tainted by green pigs and peer pressure, and holding onto his character with his nails and teeth. A comforting thought is the person who stays steadfast on the road of high character and change always, i mean always, faces the nasty words and nasty shots to bring that person down or submit to the road of submission rather than standing tall. Every great person has faced a stubborn nation.
This is a leader who seeks the advice of his council, claims and believes to be better than no one, taking a salary that is less than most average high positioned corporate managers, addresses the people to seek their benefit and address their needs, and putting forth agendas/ educational,scientific,kids/ to actually better us for once. Keep them sleeves up Obama and keep doing what you’re doing, You’re the man!
P.S. Just to show his character, Obama has almost fired every green pig around him to really help change the world and its future. If you can’t beat them, F’em!
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