Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fear and Loathing in the Nation

Fear is in the air, suffocating people like BO that just won't get away no matter how much febreeze you spray in that small confined area, and its not going away. As soon as we reach the BO free air to inhale some clean oxygen something, BO sneaks around the corner because once you go one way, BO will certainly try to take you the other way. What is quite startling is the fact that nobody seems to care about the significance and impact that the Republican mentality can reap, which is complete and utter havoc.

In the New York times, there was an article featuring the Black Water incident and the complexities surrounding the prosecution and jurisdictional issues. From my understanding, this organization or corporation is utilized by foreign ministers and important people to outsource private security and a number of other things, which I shall stay silent about. Nonetheless, an incident occurred where in Iraq, private contractors shot and killed 17 Iraqi citizens. Take a wild guess what their defense was, self defense! The U.S. Justice Department has been trying to prosecute and hold these individuals accountable for their actions, however its like trying to find the road in a middle of a forest in pitch darkness. First, these private contractors have immunity from the highest governmental officials. Second, there are jurisdictional issues because there is no law under state constitutions holding these individuals criminally liable. Under federal law, such law exists. This is a problem trying to be resolved in Congress, but to no surprise,  by addressing the need to pass legislation under State departments to hold these individuals responsible and accountable for having trigger happy fingers ready to shoot anything and everything, merely walking by. Congress is important. More importantly, it the individuals holding the seats in Congress.People must be held accountable for the actions they reap, and guess who gave these a**holes immunity, none other than Dick, Dick Cheney. Money drives power, and power drives the steering wheel of this county into ditches we cannot seem to get ourselves out of. Unemployment is at record highs, the dollar is weaker by the minute, exports are at an all time low, and China is taking over while all this happens. The movie "State of Play" was mainly based on the story of Blackwater and its powerful impact. Good Movie!

People like Christine O'Donell and this other lady, holding state and church should not be separated, and other absurd comments are, actually, winning these seats. They are going to be sitting putting in their vote to pass tax cuts on billion-air corporate profits and raising it on you and me--people making 100k and paying 30 of it to the government--while billion airs pay a few pennies while millions are at war and starve to death.

Fear is driving us into the deepest of oceans, and its only a matter of time before there are no more life vests to be given out. Wake up and smell the coffee!

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