Friday, October 8, 2010

Loose Lips Sinks Ships

Loose Lips Sinks Ships
The Chicago reader featured an article discussing, a historical moment in Britian, the age of espionage where spies from Germany would integrate themselves into the trade of goods to relate intelligence information. German spies posed as merchants in Britian exporting goods coded with intelligence back to Germany. The spies would just hang around the docks with their ears to the floor listening to whatever useful information falls loosely off of the lips that may be used to their advantage. Most spies were caught, however the ones who held a low profile survived. Afterwards, the idea of loose lips sinks ships signaled a reformation of British dialogue between its citizens; the British citizens were warned to tighten their lips- holding them liable for what they say. The phrase caught my attention, and until now is stuck in my head.

It signifies, so much more than a moment in history; it was a transition or reformation of ideas and principles, a moment that amplified the need of accountability and responsibility. The notion of accountability for our actions and the words that form on our lips, transmitting waves upon the ears of others has disseminated. The greatest man in history was asked, “How do I get to heaven?” He replied, “Control what is between your lips and between your legs.” A two-prong test to attain the greatest and only successful goal we all hope to achieve. The tongue is one of man’s greatest vices or greatest enemy. 

All we do is chit-chat about mindless banter leading us nowhere, and being nowhere, in reality, means falling backwards or forwards finding nothing to break your fall except a huge mortgage, stacked bills, wondering when the week will finally be over. This is a problem we face every day. Feeling like time is not on our side is a problem because we do not put forth the effort to form a word or thought worth speaking. A great saying, and followed practice, is, “If you do not having anything good to say, then say nothing at all.”  Imagine a society, where if you waste your tongue’s time speaking of something that: provides no benefit to others listening to it, does not further an idea or notion to better ourselves, or some material or spiritual profit; your tongue would be imprisoned for a specific time period. On the flipside of that same coin, imagine a society flourishing with profitable conversations spurring thoughts of uplifting moral standards and material gains beneficial to society as whole, and pleasant to the air carrying these conversations.  

Saying something good is saying something, worthwhile, to benefit a cause or propel an initiative to accomplish an objective on an agenda or plan to achieve a larger purpose for humanity, a social cause, and even yourself- involving yourself in meaningful conversations discussing something of spiritual, social, or beneficial relevance propels your cause- every person is greedy but how we channel that greed is the difference between freedom and war. I find myself talking about sports or something I saw on television, but that conversation is leading me nowhere, not motivational to others, and a time freezer (feeling every minute go by).  The domino effect of such a trivial notion can have an earthquake-like effect, if only we took the time to think about its consequence and benefits. This little phrase, “loose lips sink ships,” is astronomical.

 The human nature element of serving a purpose and direction, today, is like a compass that is broken, with north facing south and east facing west, but nobody has the knowledge or the time to acknowledge and recognize its desperate need of repair. This broken compass is leading humanity to nowhere. In the past, civilization had a natural urge to discover their being and took the time to endeavor in a search of truth to unveil new monuments and find new ways to define their purpose. People like Socrates, Joseph Conrad, and so many others that were so thirsty for knowledge and discovery. Now, we search for ways not to have to get off of the coach to get the remote hoping to reach it with our foot. They committed themselves to their purpose. I have a new found respect for socartes because I never really understood what he meant by, “Unexamined life is not worth living.” However, it’s not only not worth living, but detrimental  to our lives and future like the sun that shines everyday so perfectly distanced to provide us perfect comfort.  An unexamined life makes time your enemy, rather than your friend. Loose lips lose time. If you’ve lost time, you’ve lost it all. Control those lips and serve your purpose, and with that you will find time slipping through your fingers with ease becoming your friend. The Divine message encoded in these simple words, loose lips sinks ships, is we will be held accountable for the things we say and do; and true freedom lies in taking the time to think about and contemplate a good thing to say or propel an action that will provide benefit to someone other than you.     

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